atLEAF CHL PLUS Repeatability

Video of measures repeatibility.
Tested on 303 measures with an optical filter:
Min value 36.1
Max value 36.2
Std Dev 0.046
CV 0.13%

Curves and Parameters

The video shows how to select, display and sort measures parameters.

USB connection with device

This video contains examples of atLEAFSoft PRO USB commands: device connection, time sync, remote measures, measures download and names upload to device.

Instrument Choice : How to Take Single Button Measurements Using the atLEAF Chlorophyll Meter

In this video, an Instrument Choice Scientist will demonstrate how to take a single button Chlorophyll measurement using the CHL PLUS plant meter.

Instrument Choice : Unboxing the atLEAF Chlorophyll Meter - CHL PLUS

In this video, an Instrument Choice Scientist will show you what comes in the box with the atLEAF Chlorophyll Meter (CHL PLUS).

PDInstrumentos : Clorofilômetro atLEAF

Clorofilômetro AtLeaf, instrumento com ótima relação custo beneficio que efetua as medidas do teor de clorofila em dois comprimentos de onda do espectro luminoso. Fornecido com software que converte as unidades AtLeaf para SPAD e mg/cm2.


Chlorophyll determination using the atLeaf chlorophyll standard meter

atLEAFUsb app for macOS

  • Connect device
  • Device Info
  • Upload names to device
  • Download measures
  • Calibrate meter